video and plot window freeze

Issue #56 closed
Elizabeth Brainerd created an issue

The video and plot window sometimes freeze. Clicking in the plot window or using the video controls does nothing. It often happens to me when I have been using the 1 and 2 keyboard shortcuts a lot.

Clicking track point forward or all forward in toolbox fixes the problem.

Comments (5)

  1. Catherine Musinsky

    Same problem here. I tried various types of video (avi with jpg image compression and a jpg image sequence instead of tiff sequence) and nothing helped. I hadn't tried Beth's workaround. Thank you, Beth!

  2. Elizabeth Brainerd reporter

    This problem may be fixed in version 1.3.7. Let us know if it is still a problem.

  3. Catherine Musinsky

    Hard to say since I haven't been digitizing points lately. I'll check today or tomorrow and get back to you, ok?



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