XMALab 1.3.7 (Mac) crashes when importing points from other trials

Issue #59 closed
Courtney Orsbon created an issue

The latest Mac version (1.3.7) crashes whenever I try to copy points from another trial that has rigid bodies in it. I can import points from trials without rigid bodies just fine. The .xma file I'm working with was originally created in v1.3.6 (Mac), and I do not have a problem coping points when I use v1.3.6.

Comments (3)

  1. Benjamin Knorlein

    Hi Court,

    Can you attach both files. The one you want to import and the one you want to export? Thanks, Ben

  2. Benjamin Knorlein

    Could not reproduce the issue with the data available. If it occurs again, please open a new issue

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