Initial marker tracking does not immediately generate blue line in other camera

Issue #79 closed
Luz Patricia Hernandez created an issue

I open up a new trial, set up my points, then click the first marker to track and the blue line showing me the position of said marker in the other camera does not immediately pop up. You then have to navigate away from the workspace and hit the gear wheel at the top of the workspace window and then the line immediately appears. I have now done this several times with the same result. After that the problem is fixed. You can just cancel out of the gear box without doing anything else but that seems to solve the problem.

Another version of this is that a blue line does appear but it is WAY off where it should be. If you click the gear wheel it goes to the right marker.

Comments (3)

  1. Benjamin Knorlein

    Hi Patricia, It seems to me like it has problems redrawing the window. However, i cannot see a problem in the code. Are you using the newest version of XMALab? And can you maybe send me a .xma-file maybe it is a problem with some settings.

    PS: It should also be enough to change the point (up or down arrow) or change the frame forward backward (left-right arrow or q,w) to enforce the redraw

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