Filter 3D points

Issue #9 closed
Elizabeth Brainerd created an issue

The ability to low-pass filter the 3D points and view filtered and unfiltered points in Plot window, and then export filtered or unfiltered. I currently export the 3D points from XMA Lab and import them into Maya to measure the motion of soft tissue markers relative to anatomical coordinate systems in Maya. I filter in MATLAB, but would be nice to filter in XMA Lab.

Comments (6)

  1. Benjamin Knorlein
    • changed status to open

    < 1-2h depending on the options

    I would suggest to have an option in the point dialog similar to the override frequency of the rigidbody and that the plot is only visibile if the filter is enabled. When the option is enabled then the filtered 3D point will override the normal point everywhere, (export AND computation of Rigid bodies). This would be the simplest solution and the filter would be an "override" of the normal point.

    More flexibility might make things too complicated and encourage user too much to filter their data.

    Other options could be to have the filter in the same way as for rigid bodies, e.g.:

    • both data, filtered and unfiltered can be exported.
    • points are filtered by the trial-cutoff frequency (but it has to be enabled either on a per point basis or per trial)
  2. Elizabeth Brainerd reporter

    I'm concerned about the filtered point being used for the rigid body. I think that is a bad idea, or at least it should include some kind of visual feedback that a rigid body includes filtered 3D points. I also think the user needs to see filtered and unfiltered 3D points plotted together to determine the correct filter frequency. If I understand your solution that the filter would be an "override" of the normal point, then it would not be possible to see both in plot window. Since there are many other programs in which to filter data, I suggest we should not implement this until we can display both filtered and unfiltered and points.

  3. Benjamin Knorlein

    Hi Beth, I added an option to filter 3D points when exporting. Issue #28. Do you still need to display it in the plotwindow? Or does the export solve your problem?

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