
Clone wiki

XMALab / Getting Started

Download and install XMALab

Open XMALab: Mac OS may require you to right-click on the app to open first time (to override security)

You can set XMALab as the default application for opening .xma files.

Overview of workflow for videofluoroscopic images and XROMM:

  1. Undistortion: determine the transform required to remove distortion from fluoroscopic images

  2. Calibration: calibrate the cameras from images of a 3D calibration object

  3. Marker Tracking: track radio-opaque markers in all cameras (small, spherical markers are best)

  4. Rigid Bodies: group sets of markers located in bones into separate rigid bodies

  5. Quality Control: XMALab offers several tools for checking and refining marker tracking

  6. Export: rigid body transformations for animating bones in Autodesk Maya; 3D or 2D coordinates of the points; MayaCams and undistorted trial images for animation quality control and Scientific Rotoscoping

The XMALab Tutorial and example data can be found here
