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XMALab / New Dataset with calibration from another program

XMALab also allows to use its functionality when the cameras were calibrated outside of XMALab. In order to use your own calibration data start by clicking "New dataset with external calibration". ExternalCalib2.png or ExternalCalib1.png

In the next steps you will be asked how many cameras your setup is using. Once you entered the data a dialog for each camera will appear in the calibration workspace. ExternalCalib3.png)

Here you will have to enter: the image size, the camera matrix containing the focal lengths in x and y and the principal point of the image in x and y, the rotationmatrix and the translation of the camera, as well as the optional distortion parameters. Once all parameters are entered you need to hit APPLY before your changes take effect.

You can also load mayacam files to enter all the values from the file but you still have to click apply before the changes are set in your dataset. A link to download matlab scripts for saving mayacams and for converting a projectionmatrix/dlt-coefficients from e.g. EasyWand can be downloaded here.

XMALab uses the OpenCV pinhole camera model. For more information we recommend to read the calibration reference of the OpenCV documentation
