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XMALab / Precision Information

Precision information

Intermarker or marker-to-marker (MTM) distances are reported as indicators of tracking precision; the intermarker distances in the same rigid body should be close to identical across frames (see the XMALab methods paper).

There are two ways to access MTMs within XMALab: Project Overview and exporting precision information.

Project Overview

The metadata which is shown on the xmaportal, like number of markers tracked, average intermarker SDs etc can also be seen in the Project-Overview dialog. (View -> Project Overview). The data shown does not update when you change the data, but you can force a recompute by clicking the update button.


Overall intermarker standard deviation is listed under 'Trial', and intermarker SDs per rigid body are listed for each rigid body.

Export precision information

To export relevant precision information for reporting precision or use in other programs, go to File -> Export -> Precision info and Marker to marker distances (ranges):

