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XMALab / Rigid Bodies: Create or Import Rigid Bodies

Rigid bodies are solid bodies that do not deform. In XMALab, we group markers of the same bone into a single rigid body. We use these to animate the bones later on in Maya.

First, create Rigid Bodies:
- In XMALab, select the points of one bone in the Points window.
- Right-click and select 'Create Rigid Body from selected'. You can also add points to rigid bodies later when you right-click on them and select 'Add selected to Rigid Body' which gives you a pop-up window to select the Rigid Body you need.
- Repeat until all the bones have one rigid body. You will now see that the points are grouped together per rigid body.


Next, you need to get "CT marker coordinates" for setting the rigid bodies. This is explained on the vAv2 and CTex Maya shelftool pages, See XROMM Maya Tools Shelf Overview.

Then, when you have the CT marker coordinates, you can load them into XMAPortal:
- Click on the red cube in the Points window to set the rigid body correspondences from the CT marker .csv files
- Click 'Set Body from File'
- Select the correct CT_Markers file
- Select 'Draw Rigid Body'
- Select the color you want
- Make sure 'Rigid Body Constellations' is selected from the Display Options menu
- Repeat until all rigid bodies are done, you should see colored lines connecting the points of all of your rigid bodies.

Now, you will need to filter the rigid body transformations. For instructions, see Rigid Bodies: Refinement based on Tracked Data (Table of Contents)



You can also select 3D World View from the View Menu to see your rigid bodies. RB4.png
