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XMALab / Transfer data from XMA Portal

The X-ray Motion Analysis Portal (XMA Portal) and Video Motion Analysis Portal (VMA Portal) are online data management tools for video data. The _MA Portals support export of calibration data in .xma format, and export of video trial data in .xmatrial format.


  • Export .xma file containing distortion grid and calibration object (cube) images for all cameras
  • Export .xmatrial file containing zipped folders of .jpg image sequences for all cameras
  • Open .xma file in XMA Lab and calibrate cameras
  • Open .xmatrial file to load in all folders of .jpg images and track points.

note: original video file formats (.avi, .cine, etc.) can also be exported as .xmatrial, but the .jpg image sequence format is recommended for XMA Lab. The _MA Portals save all original video files uploaded, and also convert all videos to .jpg image sequence for faster download and faster marker tracking in XMA Lab.

Export Calibration Images to .xma file

Screen Shot 2016-02-02 at 9.34.04 AM.png

Export JPG image sequences for all videos to .xmatrial file

Screen Shot 2016-02-02 at 9.36.28 AM.png
