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XMAPortal / Getting Started with XMA Portal

Contact Kia Huffman to become a registered user of XMAPortal or XMASandbox

Computer, Browser Requirements

1) Use the most current version of Firefox or Chrome browser.

  • To see what version of Firefox you are using follow the instructions here. If it needs updating it updates automatically when you go to the About page.
  • To see what version of Chrome you are using: click the ≡ icon in the upper right hand corner of your browser, then "Help" and then click "About Google Chrome.". If it needs updating, it updates automatically

2) If you want to upload files to the portal, since July 22, 2015 we offer a newer non-Java based method, that only requires a recent version of Firefox or Chrome browser. But prior to file upload, please make sure to disable your browser's hardware acceleration.


disable hardware acceleration in Firefox After doing this, you need to restart Firefox.

disable hardware acceleration in Chrome After doing this, you need to restart Chrome.

3) Set any computer that you plan to use for uploads into Never Sleep mode. Uploads can take hours and will be interrupted if the computer goes to sleep.

4) If you have access to a wired ethernet connection please use the ethernet cable to connect to Internet/XMAPortal, upload via wireless works but can take longer time!

Creation of New Studies Only PIs (faculty) can create new Studies in the Portal. If you want your PI to create a Study for you, send your requested Study Name and a Study Description to your PI. The PI should designate you as the Study Leader and you will have full access to the Study. Check out All Studies to see examples of Study Names and Descriptions.

Use "Sandbox" for Practice and Testing Please be aware that neither Studies nor uploaded data can be deleted from the XMAPortal (for data security reasons), so please do not use the main Portal for practice and testing. We have a separate Sandbox Portal for playing and testing. Any registered Sandbox user will be able to create new Studies in the Sandbox. Be aware that anyone in your research group will also be able to access the studies that you create in Sandbox. Periodically all of the data in the Sandbox will be removed, so don't put anything there that you want to keep.

Off-Campus Access XMAPortal and Sandbox can be accessed from anywhere in the world.

Warning: Processed Data Section of Portal is Sketchy We hope the XMAPortal is fairly intuitive to use for upload of raw data (X-ray videos, CT scans). However, the Processed Data section is still rough in Version 1.0. Feel free to upload Processed Data, but be aware that this section of the Portal is still a bit of a wilderness.

X-ray Room Log Sheets for Accessing File Metadata Erika Giblin has kindly scanned all of the log sheets from the X-ray rooms. This is convenient for finding the metadata such as frame rate, kV, mA, etc. You can view the log sheets with these links: (requires login to XMAPortal) Keck XROMM Facility Log Sheets C-arm Room Log Sheets
