Missiles/Torpedoes counters

Issue #1 resolved
Andrea Simeone created an issue

If the player fires a missile, then switch to dual fire (shoots 2 missiles at a time) and then back to single fire, it goes back to the first missile launcher creating a gap between the 2.

Check the picture for more info.


Comments (8)

  1. David Esparza Guerrero

    Fixed: You were able to empty a warhead launcher much before the other by switching fire mode in a certain way. (Issure #1) Fixed: Side mismatch in Y-Wing HD cockpit between weapon instruments and actual weapon hardpoints.

    → <<cset 6a7e55ba9ab4>>

  2. Ras Talon

    It happens with all craft at the moment. It might be ideal to resolve this issue in conjunction with issue #384, as that relates to unlinking behavior of lasers rather than warheads.

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