YWHM1 - FRT Banthar behavior is different to original

Issue #102 resolved
Dez E created an issue

(May be related to issue 101)

FRT Banthar behaves very differently in XW94 and XW98 compared to XWVM.

In a situation where the player does not interact with any of the mission craft:

In XWVM, FRT Banthar moves at 16 MGLT and docks with CON PSI 1, using a sideways manoeuvre to perform the docking.

In X-Wing, FRT Banthar moves much more slowly (5 MGLT, I think), and docks with CON PI 1 instead. The docking manoeuvre in X-Wing is much more vertical, with the freighter dropping from above.

Video of the behaviour (unlisted): https://youtu.be/ay7lEQO_8YM

Comments (13)

  1. David Esparza Guerrero
    • changed status to open

    Great video. It seems I need to alter the distance at which ships start docking with other ships. And check why it goes at 5 MGLT instead of at 16.

  2. Dez E reporter

    Based on the mission file, it also looks like the freighter in XWVM is using the secondary target (PSI 1), but in X-Wing, is using the primary (PI 1). Screen Shot 2017-09-03 at 22.54.55.png

    I also noticed that tug T5 has orders to board PSI 1, but I wouldn't have thought that would impact the boarding order for FRT Banthar (given that its primary boarding target is uncontested).

  3. David Esparza Guerrero

    That is weird. I'm checking the code and it should select its primary target first.

    Anyway, it is interesting to see that the freighter doesn't move at 100% throttle speed when boarding a container. That means that the "Dock time (min) or Throttle" value in the mission file is being used both for throttle and docking time? In XWVM, boarding ships use this value exclusively for docking time, and assume a throttle of 100%. Is this wrong then?

  4. Justagai

    In X-Wing, Throttle and dock time uses the same value. The smaller the value, the shorter the docking time but it has reduced throttle and vice versa. Thankfully they changed this in TIE Fighter and beyond.

  5. David Esparza Guerrero

    I cannot confirm that BANTHAR attempts to dock with PSI 1 first, in XWVM. It actually goes to dock with PI 1 as it should. Your video even shows this. The PSI containers are closer to the player and it's those one of the tugs boards. Are you sure you didn't destroy both PI 1 containers first?

    Can you please confirm that in X-wing, shuttle Hasti in mission 6 moves at around 6 MGLT, instead of 67 MGLT as it does in XWVM?

    If that is so, I need to make that even ships with docking orders treat Dock/Throttle as throttle also.

  6. David Esparza Guerrero

    Fixed: Issue #102: YWHM1 - FRT Banthar behavior is different to original. In particular, all boarding ships will move towards their target at the throttle indicated in the mission file (that doubles as boarding time), instead of 100%.

    → <<cset 70b746bcff1a>>

  7. Dez E reporter

    Sorry for the confusion, I mixed up the container names last night (Pi and Psi are too similar for me, it seems).

    To confirm:

    • In XWVM, Banthar docks with PI 1. (as seen in the original video linked above)

    • In X-Wing, Banthar docks with PSI 1. (as seen in the new video below)

    I've put together a quick video to show this better for X-Wing 94 (sorry about the quality): https://youtu.be/ZKFu2wHNvng

  8. Justagai

    I've found whats causing the issue. after many many many tests, it seems the docking priority is related to the FG number in the mission. For example, if a container targeted for boarding has a FG number of 3, and another container has a flight group of 4, it takes this into account and goes for FG 3. i recreated containers PI and PSI with PI having a lower FG number than PSI. Banthar went for PI instead of PSI to make sure that this is the case, i then reversed them by having PSI as FG 13 and PI as FG 14. FRT Banthar went after PSI

  9. David Esparza Guerrero
    • changed status to open

    Banthar shouldn't prioritize Primary target over Secondary target while boarding, but whichever has the lowest flight group number.

  10. David Esparza Guerrero

    Fixed: Issue #102: YWHM1 - FRT Banthar behavior is different to original Fixed: Issue #101: YWHM1 - CON PI 2 placement is incorrect Fixed: Boarded containers (or other Hold Steady ships) won't attempt to leave the sector after being repaired or captured.

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  11. David Esparza Guerrero
    • changed status to open

    It seems after all, ships with docking orders do not travel at their "Throttle/Dock Time" specified value. It has been observed that Y-Wing Historical Mission 6 is unwinnable if shuttle Hasti needs to move at the specified 20% throttle speed, because time runs out before it completes its mission.

    I tried both with Banthar in mission 1 and Hasti in mission 6. Banthar is a bit less obvious, but if you wait for Deddite to appear (the freighter that appears far to the "left") it's easier to measure this: It seems ships that have docking orders move at maximum speed, regardless of what their Thottle/Docking Time value says, but! Once they reach 1.5 km away from their target, they drop to 25% throttle. So, Banthar starts the mission at 18 MGLT (really, it is 17.7777, but the game shows it rounded). And Hasti comes and travel at 67 MGLT. Those are their maximum speeds. But as soon as they get within 1.5 km of their boarding targets, they drop to 25% throttle. Banthar to 4 MGLT (actually 4.4444), and Hasti to 17 (actually, 16.6666)

  12. David Esparza Guerrero

    Fixed: Issue #102: YWHM1 - FRT Banthar behavior is different to original (Ships with docking orders will travel at full speed towards their target until they are 1.5 km away, then they will drop at 25% throttle speed.) Fixed: Ships that launch from a mothership won't spawn anymore if the mothership isn't present. Fixed: Assault Gunboat can open and close its wings when entering/launching from hangar, or when pressing the s-foils keybinding. Fixed: Ships launching from hangar won't instantly collide with the mothership if the mothership doesn't have proper hanger "hole". Fixed: Ships launching from hangar will randomly take a deviation angle to prevent several ships without immediate orders from all sit a the hangar exit point. Fixed: Ships entering hangar or going to their hyperspace point should no longer evade incoming fire. Fixed: Once a ship has released at least one torpedo during an attack against another ship, it should not change their mind and target a different ship until they have at least completed that attack run. Fixed: Ships attacking capital ships won't restrict themselves to only fire their lasers when attacking their targets at particular angles. That will be done only with Fighter-sized ships.

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