[General] Minor bugs in the original intro and launch cutscenes

Issue #103 new
Raffaello Grani created an issue

I've checked over the original intro and launch cutscenes and found the following minor issues:

  • Spotlight in the "Red Squadron prepare for launch"-scene is broken
  • Crane and R2-unit don't always match perfectly
  • Crane doesn't go back completely
  • Technician's torch has wrong bursts intervalls and no sound effect
  • "This is Red Leader..."-line is missing
  • Fighter launching from the Frigate may be place incorrectly as it launches next to the hangar instead of from it.

(Otherwise, the scenes are well implemented. Even the German voices work well.)

Comments (9)

  1. Andrea Simeone

    @FekLeyrTarg regarding the launch sequence: could you please help me check if that happens with Y-Wing only or all of them?


  2. Raffaello Grani reporter

    Sure. :)

    (Sorry for duplicating as I haven't noticed Laserschwert's issue ticket.)

  3. Andrea Simeone

    No problem with the duplicate: Jan's issue was open on an older implementation of the Cutscene Player and was my fault to not update that issue accordingly.

  4. Raffaello Grani reporter

    Frigate launches:

    • X-Wing: Perfectly aligned with the Frigate's hangar and zooms perfectly past the camera
    • A-Wing: Waits in the hangar for a second, skips last frame(s) of fly-by past camera
    • B-Wing: Misaligned like the Y-Wing
  5. J. King

    Note: The Y-Wing launch cutscene has a peculiar bug in that the cockpit canopy re-opens after it has already closed:


  6. Ras Talon
    • R2 doesn’t go in all the way (Shy droid)
    • There is a missing frame on the A-wing launch from frigate shot. (Last frame, where A-wing is largest in shot.)

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