Turret targeting mechanic needs to be modified

Issue #109 resolved
Justagai created an issue

Just as a reminder from what you said Azrapse:

So what we need is something that actually can query itself the IFF of the turreted ship and the IFF of the approaching ship, and blah, blah, blah... The order needs to provide instead a "special additional filter" that turrets check on every target. For most orders, this filter will just be "Nah, it's okay with your current selection" For this order, this filter will be "If it's hostile, go for it. If it's neutral to you, don't" This filter would be applied after the turret has already filtered out targets by IFF and by Primary and Secondary.

The filter will be executable code that comes with the order, and is invisible to turrets. Turrets will just get their list of target, then pass this additional filter over that list without actually knowing what it does. They just got it from the order.

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