TIE Cockpit Engine sound

Issue #115 resolved
Justagai created an issue

Will drive a man insane, plz fix

Comments (5)

  1. David Esparza Guerrero

    Fixed: Issue #125: AI continues firing after order completion Fixed: Issue #126: AI Power management Fixed: Issue #127: Weak Laser sound coming from AI Fixed: Issue #115: TIE Cockpit Engine sound Added: TIE, Gunboat and Shuttle interior engine sound. Changed: Turbolaser fire rate is not 1.5 seconds. Performance: Mines now only think when their weapon is out of cooldown. Balance: AI shots use 25% of the normal amout of laser energy that the player's shots use. Balance: Mine aiming improved to Ace. Changed: Destroying a mine no longer triggers the "Enemy destroyed" event music.

    → <<cset 9f1ef273ac40>>

  2. MajorParts

    I realised what was wrong and fixed this, as well as the other TIE types. I can't seem to push my changes though because I don't have write access anymore for some reason.

  3. MajorParts

    Fixed: Issue #115: TIE cockpit now plays the correct engine sound. Also fixed other TIEs cockpit engine sounds. Changed: temp ISD texture made lighter. Engine glow now as blue as the Spanish Infantas eyes (damn you eric fonzarelli) Did stuff: to the xwau tug & transport textures, but can't remember what, sorry.

    → <<cset a53bad44019e>>

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