Wingman orders

Issue #117 resolved
Justagai created an issue

I'll list what each order does and their requirements. Let me know if I have missed any.

Main requirements:

  • Responding ship must be a craft type (not an object)
  • IFF of responding ship must match that of the player
  • Target must be a craft type (not an object)
  • IFF of Target for specific orders must differ from the player

Orders that can only be issued if they are in the same FG no matter the ship type.

  • Attack - Attack current target
  • Cover me - Split targets that are targeting the player
  • Ignore Target - Ignore current target

Orders that can only be issued if the targeted FG is a Fighter or Shuttle type.

  • Head home - Head home to either hyperspace or mothership
  • Evasive Maneuvers - Evades
  • Wait for further orders - Holds steady at 0 throttle
  • Go ahead with orders - Continues with its set order

Orders that can be issued to any type of ship

  • Report in - Reports the current order of the targeted ship

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