AI Power management

Issue #126 resolved
Justagai created an issue

The AI in the original managed power differently compared to that in XWVM. They should be changed to be like the original.

Comments (1)

  1. David Esparza Guerrero

    Fixed: Issue #125: AI continues firing after order completion Fixed: Issue #126: AI Power management Fixed: Issue #127: Weak Laser sound coming from AI Fixed: Issue #115: TIE Cockpit Engine sound Added: TIE, Gunboat and Shuttle interior engine sound. Changed: Turbolaser fire rate is not 1.5 seconds. Performance: Mines now only think when their weapon is out of cooldown. Balance: AI shots use 25% of the normal amout of laser energy that the player's shots use. Balance: Mine aiming improved to Ace. Changed: Destroying a mine no longer triggers the "Enemy destroyed" event music.

    → <<cset 9f1ef273ac40>>

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