Jingles Issue

Issue #129 resolved
Justagai created an issue

Jingles should not be queued one after another when one is currently playing. An example of this is AWHM1 and AWHM6 (with AWHM6 being the most annoying). The original does not queue them when playing.

Comments (4)

  1. David Esparza Guerrero

    There is no tune for identifying a neutral. I played that mission and I think I know what you mean:

    That mission has the AX iMuse theme being played instead of the usual CR theme. That happens whenever there is a neutral ship in the mission area.

    These two iMuse themes are main themes, and they have kind of elaborate "transition to" and "transition away from" chunks of music whenever they need to switch to another of the flight themes (like DG for dogfight, and CH for when having an targeted ship just in front).

    What is going on in that AWHM6 with the music is that AX is playing, then you get close to a container you have selected and you keep it in front of your ship, so it triggers a transition to the CH theme, that involves playing first the "transition away from AX" chunk.

    By the time that chunk is done playing, the container is no longer on sight, so the CH theme ends immediately and goes back to AX. This provokes the playback of the "transition to AX" chunk first.

    So what we have is that the AX theme is very often playing the "transition away" and "trasiting back to" chunks.

    Perhaps the only way to solve this is not to trigger a change to the CH theme when the target is a non combatant ship?

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