Adjust default field of view (FOV) depending on the resolution aspect ratio

Issue #13 resolved
ShadowOwl created an issue

When using my screen's native resolution of 1680x1050 the default FOV value of 60 causes the radar screens to be slightly cut off at the sides. Please check the attached screenshots. An FOV value of 62 made the radar screens fully visible again.

A solution to avoid this behaviour would be to automatically adjust the FOV depending on the aspect ratio.

Comments (5)

  1. David Esparza Guerrero
    • changed status to open

    1680x1050 is a 16:10 aspect ratio. The cockpit camera is set up at a default position that makes all instruments visible just at the borders of the screen for only a 16:9 aspect ratio. Since this issue will affect all aspect ratios other than 16:9 (like 4:3 that is so common still today), I am increasing the severity of this.

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