XWHM1 T/F Alpha leaving hanger

Issue #132 resolved
Justagai created an issue

Steps to reproduce:

  • Fly XWHM1
  • Attack CON PHI
  • T/F Alpha launches
  • T/F Alpha is performing the order "Leaving Hanger" for a minute and thirty seconds

I'll check the original and see what the timing is, but that is way too long for them to be in the leaving hanger order.

Comments (11)

  1. David Esparza Guerrero

    That seems to be wrong, yes. XWVM applies thottled speed to leave hanger, but also, AI rank affects how far they need to go to consider that they have left the hangar. This was to try and apply the comment in the Strategy Guide saying that higher AI ranks spend less time leaving hangars, while lower ranks spend more time. Obviously, the formula needs to be refined. How long does it take in the original?

  2. Justagai reporter

    There's something even weirder going on in the original. T/F Alpha is set to arrive when CON PHI is attacked. But I don't have to attack the container to trigger the arrival. It seems when I get close (not sure the exact distance) to the container, it triggers the arrival condition. This was really throwing me off because in every other game in the series, the actual target has to be attacked. I think this is a separate issue though.

  3. Justagai reporter

    Based on the video I uploaded in the issues folder, they stay in the exiting hanger order for 10 seconds.

    EDIT: I'm going to double check what the hanger times are for the other AI ranks.

  4. Justagai reporter

    Uploaded a video that shows all of the AI ranks launch and going to hanger. The rookie lagged the most, and the other lagged a little bit. I think it might be related to the AI reaction time however.

  5. David Esparza Guerrero

    I can't reproduce this bug in my development build. I will wait for you to confirm it with next build.

  6. Justagai reporter

    Weird Hanger Launch video

    There are a few things going on here. The TIE Fighters have no orders for three seconds. Then after that's done, the leader breaks off into a completely different direction. Then it seems the actual exiting hanger timer starts. During this time, it shows the incorrect amount of time in the CMD for exiting hanger.

    EDIT: The total amount of time for exiting hanger ends up to be 13-14 seconds.

    EDIT 2: Here is a video of the TIE Fighters exiting hanger from the original.

    Original Alpha hanger launch

    I'm also aware that they are Rookies. But they are taking longer than the original and they are behaving strangely.

  7. David Esparza Guerrero

    There is something going on when a ship first spawns. It seems to wait for its AI thinking period before actually getting to perform the first task they are supposed to perform. That is why ships appear with "---" when coming from a hangar, and also spawn still for a while, then move when hypering in. I need to figure out why that happens. This is also related with the bug concerning the boarding priority in YWHM1.

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