Player outranges frigate firing range

Issue #141 resolved
Rob Pilkington created an issue

If you sit about 1.55km away from a frigate, you can safely shoot it and it won't fire back.

In the original game, the frigate will open fire from something more like 1.8km (maybe a bit further). The turbolaser fire also have significantly longer range than that (they have almost no chance of hitting anything at that range; looks nice, though).

Comments (3)

  1. David Esparza Guerrero

    Do turbolasers have longer range than fighter lasers? Range is determined by speed and lifespan. Do they travel faster or have longer lifespan?

  2. David Esparza Guerrero

    Fixed: Issue #134: XWHM5 T/F Gamma 1 targets self Fixed: Issue #141: Player outranges frigate firing range (instead of laser lifetime bonus, all turbolasers last now 9 seconds)

    → <<cset 42e41c6e52cc>>

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