Objects (mines, nav bouys and comm sats) should not show name

Issue #142 resolved
Dez E created an issue

This is probably one that's worth a bit of discussion.

In the original X-Wing, some types of objects (mines, nav buoys and comm sats) did not show names, even if they had been assigned some in the mission file.

In XWVM, currently these objects are displayed with their object type (totally fine) and name (possibly an issue).

Given that the names were never shown in the original game, some of the object names defined in the mission files are a bit weird, and wouldn't make much sense in context. (See attachment from BWHM4 - the mines are called... nav buoy?)

My suggestion is this: where the game type is X-Wing, these object types should not show their assigned names. For any other game type (TIE Fighter, etc.), the name should be shown as normal.

Comments (2)

  1. David Esparza Guerrero

    Fixed: Issue #142: Objects (mines, nav bouys and comm sats) should not show name Fixed: Formula for initial throttle corrected. Fixed: Mines start firing first at 1500m, again. This was altered when turbolaser lifetime got incremented from 3 to 9 seconds. Balance: Mines demoted to Veteran again.

    → <<cset f857e2bb8196>>

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