[Enhancement] Map ignores outliers when positioning

Issue #144 resolved
Dez E created an issue

The current implementation of the in-mission map automatically resizes to fit all craft in the area, and this works well for most cases.

There are some edge cases where some objects are placed far away by the mission designers, however, and this breaks the map functionality by zooming out too far to be useful.

A screenshot is attached from TOD5M07 which illustrates this issue, as a probe is placed 230km away from the player's starting position.

This ticket is to suggest a couple of potential solutions to this issue:

  • Ignore significant outliers from the players position when scaling the map (e.g. craft >50km away if there is >1 craft within this of the player)

  • Also, for craft outside of the rendered area, an option would be to include the icon for that craft at the edge of the map, along with an arrow indicating that the ship is actually further away.

Comments (2)

  1. David Esparza Guerrero

    I think the best solution to this is to find some mathematical formula that discards points too far away from the rest of the group.

    I would need to dust off my rusty statistical formation, but guess we could calculate the average center point and the standard deviation.

    Ships whose distance to the average point is much bigger than the standard deviation, we could filter out.

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