Pause / Menu

Issue #145 resolved
canukausiuka created an issue

When bringing up the Menu (using the [Esc] key), the mission keybinding for quitting the game [Q] is still active (i.e., you can hit [Q] twice and exit the game). The message about pressing again to quit appears in the Message Log MFD, and on the 2nd press, it does exit the game.

No other keys appear to be active in this manner (I tried [H], as well as most of the energy management commands). I'm not sure if this behavior is desired/intended, but it struck me as odd. I also expected to be able to close the Menu using the [Esc] key again, but this is not the case. I have to use the mouse and select the [Cancel] button to get out of the Menu.

Similar behavior is shown using the [P] pause command, where [Q] is still active. This makes more sense to me, as the Message Log MFD is still visible at this point, and a subsequent [P] unpauses the game.

Comments (1)

  1. David Esparza Guerrero

    Fixed: IBL Skybox lighting recalculated when planet size is altered. Fixed: Issue #217: Warheads Fixed: Issue #218: AI using Warheads Fixed: Issue #188: "Q" to Exit Mission Quits the Game Fixed: Issue #173: TOD 1 - Recover stolen X-Wing --- X-Wing shot down by allies Fixed: Issue #145: Pause / Menu Fixed: Issue #187: "Esc" Key to Close Config Menu

    → <<cset f95e61485308>>

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