AI ships turning isn't smooth and too fast (for big ships)

Issue #157 resolved
Jan Hofmeister created an issue

Right now everytime an AI ship performs a maneuver (like going through different evasive maneuvers, reaching a waypoint, or just adjusting its bearings), the rotation happens very abruptly. There's no smooth interpolation either between these changes or ease-in/out smoothing when starting/stopping a rotation. This is also true when the player ship rotates towards its hypering-out vector (before the jump).

I don't know if smoothing the evasive maneuvers introduces lag to the AI's "relflexes", but at least for maneuvers that aren't as timing-critical (like heading towards a new waypoint or rotating towards hyperspace) this at least might be a feasible cosmetic fix.

Also it might be worth considering lowering the rotation speed of big ships (like the Corvette, Frigate and Star Destroyer) considerably, as right now they are turning on the spot in a matter of a second.

Comments (7)

  1. Justagai

    There needs to be more roll associated with the AI turning. Yes sometimes the original AI yaw sharply, but its not too common. I will gather data for this.

    EDIT: I misread the issue. Thought it was for small craft. Still worth looking at.

  2. David Bugg

    I seem to remember pretty jerky behavior in the original as far as capital ships go - you really couldn't give them any orders other than "stand still" or "fly to waypoint" because the rotation was way too fast and looked completely unnatural.

    I don't remember if the same applied to smaller ships (and we just didn't notice it as much because they were smaller), but either way I'm sure it can be improved for xwvm.

  3. Rich Kinkead

    After the mission is done and I have time left, I like to catch up and follow my wing men in which the original version they will fly to way point and hyper out. I know some missions they haven't got that implemented yet. But it does seem to be hard to stay with them with their sharp maneuvers they seem to have.

  4. Justagai

    AI ships have had their yaw speeds corrected in build 171119-2. This includes the capital ships which the AI had a slower yaw compared to the normal yaw in the ship data.

    The only thing that needs to be fine tuned would be the AI's over use of unmodified yaw.

  5. David Esparza Guerrero

    The calculation of the rotation for AI ships need to take into consideration that in the original they rotated in a Manhattan-pattern (first a pitch+yaw diagonal, then a straight vertical pitch or horizontal yaw) until it faces its desired orientation. In this case, every axis of rotation can be applied it's particular rotation speed rating.

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