Tug needs to be given its own class

Issue #158 closed
Justagai created an issue

The original had the tug in a class of its own. This is also why general targeting orders do not target tugs in the original. Properties of this class:

  • Same armor as fighter/shuttle class
  • Cannot recharge shields/lasers like freighters/starships
  • Cannot hyper in or out

Comments (4)

  1. Justagai reporter

    I also want to add that the original had classes in this order: Fighter, Shuttle, Tug, Freighter and Starship

  2. David Esparza Guerrero

    This already exists in the current version of XWVM. Tugs have fighter armor-class, but they aren't considered fighters. They have a Utility role assigned, instead.

    Ships have different Roles: Object, Utility, Fighter, Transport, Container, Capital, Mine. This has the function of grouping ships by in-universe function. A future example of Utility craft could be the Combat Utility Vehicle, or the Quadjumper.

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