Audio feedback for deceleration (or for current speed in general), separate from the main engine sounds

Issue #168 resolved
Sergiu Horga created an issue

There is a period of silence between the moment the engines stop (reach zero) and the moment the ship comes to a full stop. It sends mixed messages to the player. On one hand, the image shows that the ship is still moving/decelerating and on the other, the sounds tells the player that everything has stopped.

Even if in Star Wars, where the ships don't use lateral, vertical and back thrusters to determine the ship's maneuvers, there still needs to be something that helps the ship come to a full stop and that something needs to have an audio representation.

Comments (4)

  1. David Esparza Guerrero

    In Star Wars space isn't really vacuum.

    There is some kind of aetherial substance that allows:

    This substance is the responsible for decelerating ships thru friction.

  2. Sergiu Horga reporter

    Even more reason to have some feedback. That feedback can be some friction sound.

    I think the original game doesn't have, but it would be a good enhancement. On that note, it is probably more of an issue here because it seems to me that the ship takes longer to come to a full stop after the engines are at zero. Will test this further and come with a separate issue if that is the case.

    As for the top speed limitation and the sound, it is present in quite a few sci-fi themes, because it would be less fun otherwise.

  3. MajorParts

    The internal engine loop should change with speed and not throttle basically. Except hyperspace...maybe the normal top speed would be max

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