Ion cannon trails graphic corruption with Motion Blur on

Issue #17 resolved
Dez E created an issue

When motion blur is turned on, there is some graphical corruption with the ion laser trails that is not present with lasers, or when motion blur is turned off.


(NVidia GTX 660 2GB, Windows 10 1703, driver 384.76)

Steps to reproduce:

  • Load any Y-Wing mission

  • Turn on Motion Blur in the graphical options if not already on.

  • Switch to ion cannons and fire.

Comments (5)

  1. Raffaello Grani

    We are aware that the current implementation of motion blur causes many issues, including the one with the ion blasts. How mo'blur will be handled still needs to be discussed. :)

  2. Dez E reporter

    This issue has been resolved in the latest builds, as general motion blur has been disabled except for specific objects / cases.

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