TOD 1 - Recover stolen X-Wing --- X-Wing shot down by allies

Issue #173 resolved
Massimiliano Bianco created an issue

About 12 times I have played this mission:

  • two times X-Wing 1 has been shot down by Y-Wing 1 with the laser instead using ion cannons;

  • one time I disabled X-Wing 2 with a difference of ~2:00 mins and at a distance of ~2.5 km respect the other two X-Wings: CRS Maximus arrived and destroyed the X-Wing while it was docked by the Shuttle but not yet captured (the other two were captured);

  • X-Wing 1 often flies in a circle on its Waypoint 1.

I am trying to replicate these situations to add more precise information.

Comments (4)

  1. Random

    Adding to this report, because I saw the same behavior with the cruiser. The bug appears to be that the X-wings are flying in the wrong direction. In XWVM they are flying to waypoint 1 (0,0,0).

    In the original, Blue 1 has orders to circle and evade, but Blue 2 and Blue 3 fly and evade. But waypoint 1 is disabled, so there's no waypoint to fly to. They just go home instead, to the star destroyer. The player must spend extra time catching up to them. When the CRS arrives (after X-W Blue 1 is captured) the other two X-wings are then well out of range on their way to the star destroyer.

  2. David Esparza Guerrero

    Fixed: IBL Skybox lighting recalculated when planet size is altered. Fixed: Issue #217: Warheads Fixed: Issue #218: AI using Warheads Fixed: Issue #188: "Q" to Exit Mission Quits the Game Fixed: Issue #173: TOD 1 - Recover stolen X-Wing --- X-Wing shot down by allies Fixed: Issue #145: Pause / Menu Fixed: Issue #187: "Esc" Key to Close Config Menu

    → <<cset f95e61485308>>

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