'+' and '-' key issues in default keyboard mapping

Issue #174 resolved
Former user created an issue

The '+' key does nothing; the '-' key increases power. (Other default mapped power keys ( '\' , '[', ']' and backspace all work fine.


Comments (8)

  1. Michael Bennett

    The '.' key is mapped to decrease power by default instead of '='. The '.' key is ALSO mapped to toggle the cockpit view, and it does perform both actions simultaneously in game.

  2. Michael Bennett

    No, I think it is a bug with the default mappings. Decrease throttle should be mapped to '=' instead of '.'

  3. Justagai

    Can confirm this bug still exists in build 171119-2

    default "-" key increases throttle, while "+" key doesn't seem to do anything. "." key does indeed decrease throttle.

    This issue might be related to this one as well Issue 228

    I noticed that changing the throttle no longer produces a sound. Was this to remove the chirping while changing to the overlay?

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