sight inside cockpit with trackIr

Issue #179 resolved
Yohan Pastor created an issue

With a TrackIr device, if I go down (and look the rudder) the sight come inside the cockpit. Maybe it should stay on the frond glass (like HUD on a plane).

The same issue appear if I go up. I can put my head outside of the cockpit (can be fix with the camera settings) but the sight shouldn't come out.

Comments (12)

  1. Raffaello Grani

    Just to understand you 100% correctly: With "sight" you mean the blue crosshair/target reticule?

  2. David Esparza Guerrero

    The crosshair always shows where the lasers will converge (or just go) from your current point of view. You need this for aiming at targets.

    If the crosshair stayed on the same place, it would be valid only when your head is exactly at a particular position and angle.

    Since in headtracking and VR modes the head will never be at any exact position, the crosshair constantly tries to reposition itself to keep its utility. We assume the crosshair is projected inside the pilot's helmet visor.

  3. Yohan Pastor reporter

    Yes, with "sight" I mean the target reticule. In this case, le reticule should be visible every time ! But, in the same configuration, if I go down, but a bit less, the sight is hidden by the 3d model however, it shouldn't.

  4. David Esparza Guerrero

    Yes, that is a problem we need to solve. Crosshair, selection bracket and game options panel need to show always on top of anything else.

  5. David Esparza Guerrero

    We cannot use that thinking on the VR mode. No overlays are acceptable in that mode.

  6. Yohan Pastor reporter

    OK. I'm not used to code in VR condition. I'll try to perform some test on my own projects. I've read that the GUI in VR work as an "in world space" element. Maybe just put it closer and smaller... It make sense : If we assume the reticule is projected inside the pilot's helmet visor, it's very close of the eyes, and smaller to respect height and width ratio.

  7. MajorParts

    Am I missing something? The x-hair should always show where the lasers will go from the point of the actual lasers, not the players view.

  8. Yohan Pastor reporter

    you're right, and it does, but the choice of devs is to display it like a HUD on the pilot's helmet (something like this : BMW-Motorcycle-helmet-HUD-11[1].jpg

    But the reticule show the convergence point of lasers.

  9. MajorParts

    makes no sense! So if you look 90deg to the right, the reticule will still be in front of your face but the lasers will still be 90deg back to the left. The lasers aren't going to fire at where you look.

  10. Yohan Pastor reporter

    Nop, if you look 90° to the right, the reticule shoud not be displayed on the HUD. It work like a HUD in a military plane with bomb weapon.

    If the impact point is not in front of the HUD, then it won't be displayed. Here, if the convergence point is not in front of the HUD (if the pilote don't look forward), the reticle shouldn't be displayed.

    Today, it work correctly, don't worry about it. The issue is just about the reticule's position in the world space.

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