HUD Crosshair Jittering During Head Tracking

Issue #186 resolved
Tad Hashimoto created an issue

I've noticed that when moving your head, the HUD cross hairs tend to jitter quite a bit rather than tracking smoothly across the screen. This is more prevalent in the pit-less mode than in the 3D pit.

Comments (2)

  1. David Esparza Guerrero
    • changed status to open

    The crosshair recalculates its position now and then to account for hardpoint rotations (x-wing and b-wing) and cockpit rotation (b-wing).

    It involves some trigonometry to calculate the position and rotation of the hardpoint reticules. Since most of the time hardpoints aren't changing position in respect to the camera in Normal mode (no-headtracking), we try to save CPU power by making this calculations happen only a few times per second instead of every frame.

    But since in headtracking mode the head will be moving all the time, we should perhaps increase the frequency of these calculations so that the crosshair repositions more smoothly.

  2. David Esparza Guerrero

    Added: Headbobbing Fixed: Issue #242: T5M1 Initial XW Gold 1 crashes into FRT Niven Fixed: Issue #186: HUD Crosshair Jittering During Head Tracking Fixed: Undocking ships got stuck undocking

    → <<cset 909ed3e587b9>>

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