"Q" to Exit Mission Quits the Game

Issue #188 resolved
Tad Hashimoto created an issue

As stated above, pressing "q" twice in game to quit the mission exits the entire game rather than kicking the user back to the main menu.

Comments (1)

  1. David Esparza Guerrero

    Fixed: IBL Skybox lighting recalculated when planet size is altered. Fixed: Issue #217: Warheads Fixed: Issue #218: AI using Warheads Fixed: Issue #188: "Q" to Exit Mission Quits the Game Fixed: Issue #173: TOD 1 - Recover stolen X-Wing --- X-Wing shot down by allies Fixed: Issue #145: Pause / Menu Fixed: Issue #187: "Esc" Key to Close Config Menu

    → <<cset f95e61485308>>

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