X-Wing Speed Bardoesn't reach the 100%

Issue #192 resolved
carlochericoni created an issue

The speed bar doesn't reach the Yellow and red zone. As you can see in the image attached, the X-Wing is at top speed (150) but the spees bar (the blu dot line" still at 70%Speed.PNG

Comments (2)

  1. MajorParts

    that is a bit of the cockpit model blocking it. The cockpit is a placeholder and will be replaced.

  2. David Esparza Guerrero

    Fixed: TextMeshPro version upgrade problems solved. Changed: Mission Goals UI component is now a TextMeshProUGUI (from a Text component). Fixed: Issue #192: X-Wing Speed Bardoesn't reach the 100% by hiding part of the 3D joystick

    → <<cset 3b6e9588d1ce>>

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