TOD1M04 classic - FRG Redemption drifting forward despite Hold Steady order

Issue #193 resolved
Dez E created an issue

Build: 171001

When playing the classic version of TOD1M04, the Redemption seems to drift forward, despite having a hold steady order. This behaviour doesn't seem to be present in the original (at least, XW98 with "Classic Missions" selected).

From a quick test, the rebalanced version in XWVM seemed to be okay, displaying the "awaiting boarding" status throughout my playthrough.

Comments (3)

  1. David Esparza Guerrero
    • changed status to open

    The classic version has Redemption having Hold Steady orders (the rebalanced version has Await Boarding). Somewhere else in the game we have some ships with Hold Steady orders supposed to go to hyperspace after they have been boarded with a boarding order that repairs systems (Board and Deliver, or Board and Capture), and so, whenever Redemption is being boarded, it tries to go to hyperspace. But it seems it shouldn't.

    I will change it so only ship that are disabled will go to hyperspace if they have been boarded with a repairing operation AND they were disabled by the time they were boarded.

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