Star Destroyer Shield Down by destroying Shield batteries doesn't work

Issue #195 resolved
TheHutt created an issue

Mission: TOD II / Destroy the Intrepid

I flew over to the Intrepid (by turning on invulnerability for testing purposes) and fired 3 torpedoes on each of the shield generator turrets ("blindly" without target computer).

Expected result: - Both shield turrets are gone - ISD shield status falls to zero (SHLDS DN)

Actual result: - Both shield turrets are still there. - ISD shield status is >zero (here it's 46% due to damage through other attacking craft and my 6 torpedoes)


Comments (9)

  1. Raffaello Grani
    • changed status to open

    Targeting and destroying components (shield generators and turrets) still need to be implemented.

  2. David Esparza Guerrero

    We will not be able to fix this issue until we have the ISD colliders in place. @terrybradley

  3. TheHutt reporter

    Targeting and destroying components (shield generators and turrets) still need to be implemented.

    Won't it contradict the original gameplay? If it's possible to destroy the shield generators from 6 km by targeting them individually, that'd make the mission a piece of cake. In the original XW, you have to blow them up blindly without targeting.

  4. Raffaello Grani

    Perhabs not necessarily, as the player can always choose between torpedo-sniping at the generators or taking them out the old fashioned way.

    At this moment though, turrets and shield generators aren't destructable on any large ship.

  5. TheHutt reporter

    That's what I mean: the proper way provided by X-Wing is to fly to very close proximity, avoiding the ISD lasers, and take them out by torpedoes without targeting. Which is quite a challenge.

    If the alternative will be "select shield generators from 6 km away and snipe them away with torpedoes from a safe distance", that will rob the game of the challenge. Then destroying ISDs will basically become a piece of cake (especially on a Y-Wing or a B-Wing that also have ion cannons).

    An option might be "everything can be sniped away except the shield generators". So that they'd have to be destroyed the old-fashioned way.

  6. David Bugg

    That was fixed in later games by allowing capital ship turrets to target and shoot down incoming warheads. It only targeted warheards that were homing on it though, allowing dumbfired warheads to still get through and destroy the domes. Such a change in XWVM would have drastic gameplay repercussions, though, at least for the original campaign missions. Maybe it'd be something to look into as an option for custom missions down the road.

    Side Rant

    I really hate the precedence set by X-Wing to make the domes into shield generator towers. The movie example of A-Wings blowing up the globes (which were more likely intended to be sensor/radar domes) was clearly a result of the shields already having been taken down due to intense sustained firepower from the rebel fleet capital ships, and a clear indication to the SSD's crew that the shields were now down, NOT the sole cause of shield failure. This gameplay gimmick has not been carried over to FotG, where the domes function solely as Sensors and are identified as such. Extensive evidence and discussion here

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