Sunlight causes flashing/flickering in cockpit

Issue #199 resolved
jerstryker created an issue

There is a bright flickering/flashing around the cockpit that seems to be caused by an external light source. It is there on every graphics setting besides "fast" and "fastest" and none of the other adjustable graphics sliders/boxes affect it.

I was hoping to get a better video but ran out of time (and also this was my first attempt ever at recording gameplay). I can make another one, but the anomaly is plain enough in this one.

This is with a Geforce 1070 at 3440x1440 using TrackIR. I can provide other hardware info if necessary.

Also I can put the video on Youtube instead if it's too big for this site.

Comments (5)

  1. Jason Winzenried

    same. can't have shadows in the cockpit, as they just make it more obvious. Even with "shadowCascadesOverride": -1 the flashing and flickering is apparent. I don't see it in youtube videos from before I had access. I get it with or without trackir

    geforce 970 running at 2560x1440

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