Y-Wing Mission 6 - Interception and Capture - Hasti Boards Wrong Ship

Issue #206 wontfix
Former user created an issue

Bug: In both Original and Rebalanced versions of this mission, after disabling and identifying the shuttle with Akbar on board, Shuttle Hasti boards the wrong shuttle and then warps off resulting in the mission being impossible to finish.

Reproduction: This has happened every time I have played the mission. Just play it normally and when Hasti arrives, check its target. You'll see it heading for the wrong shuttle.

Comments (3)

  1. David Esparza Guerrero

    Was the shuttle boarded also disabled? If so, then it is working as intended. A ship with boarding orders will not restrict itself to boarding only the special ship in a target group, but any that is ready for boarding (disabled or holding steady). The same behavior can be reproduced in the original game.

    However, if the ship boarded was not disabled, then it's a proper bug. Please confirm.

  2. Former user Account Deleted reporter

    The ship was disabled. I didn't realize X-Wing didn't specifically target the proper target by default like later games did so whoops!

    This maaaaay explain why I never finished this mission as a kid, haha.

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