AI Cannon link status

Issue #209 resolved
Justagai created an issue

Can confirm in the original X-wing that AI changes its cannon link status to dual at .40km, and then to linked at .20km. Otherwise it uses single fire. This is irrelevant of target class or AI rank. XWVM does not follow this.

Comments (9)

  1. Justagai reporter

    Just want to add that for fighters with only two lasers for example, they will only use both (linked) at .20km.

  2. Justagai reporter

    I don't really see too much of a contradiction except on the Rookie and Officer ranks. What may show what is listed in that issue is the fact that Rookies fire in a different pattern than other AI.

    Essentially, the AI has cannons status like this:

    Values are:

    • 0 (No fire allowed, for AI otherwise they would be constantly firing. Player cannot access this mode normally.)
    • 1 (Single fire, used when within certain range of target until they reach specified distances above)
    • 2 (Dual fire, .40km for AI, will still use this with ships that only have single and linked but will act like single fire)
    • 3 (Linked .20km for AI)

    I have confirmed that this is the case.

  3. Justagai reporter

    Upon closer inspection, the cannon link rule absolutely applies when the target is stationary. But it seems during an actual dogfight is when it may or may not switch to dual/linked and might just continue to use single fire instead. I'm making some videos of this to get a better idea of what it looks like.

  4. Justagai reporter

    After examining the videos (located in the AI\Dogfighting folder), it appears that they don't always change cannon link status, but more of a "chance to switch cannon status when within this range". This would happen between each AI thought process.

    I think we should implement this process into XWVM. It would also make the AI a little more dynamic as well.

  5. Justagai reporter

    Relooking at this issue, I think the reason why the cannon link was delayed in lower ranks is due to the fact that the lower ranks process much slower.

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