IFF 2 should attack IFF 3 and vice versa

Issue #213 resolved
Justagai created an issue

IFF 2 (Blue) and IFF 3 (Blue, but should be Purple) are considered opposing forces to each other like how IFF 0 (Rebel) and IFF 1 (Imperial) are. Neither IFF 2 or IFF 3 will attack IFF 0 or IFF 1 unless specified with a primary or secondary target. IFF 4 and above are truly neutral and have no opposing IFF. It looks like the devs coded it to have every two IFFs opposed to each other. So IFF 4 is opposed to IFF 5 and vice versa and so on.

I think it should be implemented. Custom missions could make use of it. This is up to the XWVM team to implement this. I thought it was specifically only these two IFFs but it looks like I was wrong.

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