Turret Targeting Range

Issue #214 resolved
Justagai created an issue

Things that have been confirmed:

Turret "able to fire" is dependent on:

  • Max distance (10000 in game)
  • Target Class of ship
  • Turret Arc
  • Firing cooldown
  • lasers in play

The most important one listed is the one bolded. This is the one that is throwing all of our distance experimentations off. Fortunately we have the address for the class of the ship so we are able to get the correct data on this.

Comments (5)

  1. Justagai reporter

    After much testing and consideration, I believe it will be best to keep the turret ranges at 1.6km 1.65km. The one thing I would like to see added would be the 75% 70% targeting range bonus when attacking a starship class.

  2. Justagai reporter

    After looking at the numbers, I would like to bump it down to 2650 for the maximum range against starships. 2850 is too high.

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