Laser hardpoints on Shuttle and T/A

Issue #216 resolved
Justagai created an issue

The hardpoints seem to be off for both of these ships. Also the lasers on the shuttle are of the wrong color.

I've attached pictures to illustrate. The lasers start more forward in XWING95/98 SE compared to the dos version so please ignore that.

Comments (12)

  1. Raffaello Grani

    A minor off-topic comment:

    Are the cockpits from "TIE Fighter" actually included with X-Wing95?

  2. Justagai reporter

    They aren't which is strange since X-wing 95 has the Super Star Destroyer model, Z-95, and other things from XvT and BOP. Although that's more of the fact that they utilized the same engine, but they still left that stuff in there. I suppose they couldn't do the same with the cockpits because of the way each game handles them differently as opposed to .OPTS where you can just simply copy them from game to game and it will work.

  3. David Esparza Guerrero

    The lasers in the T/A are clearly wrong. I don't know if it is because the overlay cockpit is placing itself at the wrong position or what.

    With regards of the shuttle, it is perfectly possible that the hardpoints don't match those in X-wing, since the hardpoints in XWVM use whatever the models have defined, and the models are obviously not the same.

    The shuttle didn't have any visible cannons in X-wing, while in XWVM it has clearly visible cannons. So probably the original developers placed the hardpoints just around.

  4. Justagai reporter

    I looked at the Tydirium shuttle model and yeah it does have the cannons side by side.

    Does XWVM look at anything in the original Xwing executable? Or is it strictly external files?

  5. David Esparza Guerrero

    Only external files. We are willing to take some liberties on hardpoint positions since we are having models that are quite more detailed than the original had.

  6. Raffaello Grani

    Off-topic: There will come a point however, that XWVM needs to look at the Windows-Port's exe-file, as all original strings, including cutscene subtitles, are stored there instead of ovl-files like in the DOS-versions.

  7. David Esparza Guerrero

    @FekLeyrTarg That is going to be incredibly cumbersome given that different localizations had different builds and texts ended at different addresses.

  8. Justagai reporter

    If someone can send me two Xwing exes or .ovl files that have two different languages (other than English), I might be able to find a pattern with the offsets so that XWVM can easily detect the starting offsets for the other lanaguages.

  9. Raffaello Grani

    I'll provide you with the ones from the German 1994 Edition. Also, except for a text-only French translation of the 1994 Edition, I'm currently not aware of any other official translation of the first X-Wing game in any of the three editions.

  10. Justagai reporter

    Sadly I've checked the offsets in both the English and German versions and there isn't really a pattern to them (which makes sense, not all words are going to be of the same length in both languages). We may have to input the text manually, although it may be possible to extract all of the possible text with a custom application.

  11. Justagai reporter

    The laser hardpoints on the T/A have been fixed in build 171119. I'm also ok with the current Shuttle laser hardpoints and its color. I think this can be closed.

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