
Issue #217 resolved
Justagai created an issue

Thanks to RandomStarfighter for finding this info.


Lockon Thresholds for Yaw (pitch may be the same):

After much testing I finally figured out the lock time thresholds:

Seconds of lock time = total seconds to make 360 degree yaw rotation:

  • < 2 = 60 sec
  • 2 = 30 sec
  • 3.5 = 20 sec
  • 4 = 11.9 sec
  • 5 (red lock) = 8.5 sec
  • 6+ = 6.6 sec

Lock-on timer in memory:

These were all of my tests using the lockon timer in memory, where the timer increases by 8 every frame, and a red lock at 1200+ time.

  • 376 = 59.73
  • 480 = 29.93
  • 690 = 29.94
  • 771 = 19.91
  • 904 = 19.91
  • 946 = 19.91
  • 1046 = 11.89
  • 1160 = 11.89
  • 1248 = 8.48
  • 1384 = 8.48
  • 1424 = 6.60
  • 1502 = 6.60
  • 1676 = 6.60
  • 1928 = 6.60

Also my times for a full rotation were in real-time, not in-game time. If that matters. It's still 5 seconds for a red lock for torpedoes.

Okay, so missiles must then have a 360/8.5=42.35 degrees/s intended turning rate. Even when they can go up to 360/6.6=54.54 degrees/s if locking past red.

That is up to 130% its intended turning rate.


Will need more info to confirm

For both Missiles and Torpedoes:

Lock Decay:

Lock decays at the same rate as it gains. But if you switch targets or weapons the lock is completely lost.

There seems to be no upper limit on lock decay.

you could essentially keep a red lock on something for sometime, then pull away, wait for a few minutes, then fire a torpedo and it would still be a red lock

It's not really broken though. Because there isn't any practical use for holding a lock for an entire minute just to delay firing, and you can't really do anything else in the meantime if you want to keep the lock.

Let me know if there is anything else I've missed.

Comments (8)

  1. Justagai reporter
    • edited description

    Fixed more formatting, moved info about AI using warheads to new issue

  2. David Esparza Guerrero
    • While switching targets drops the lock time to 0, switching weapons freezes the current lock time, so when switching back to warheads, you retain the same lock time as you had.
  3. Random

    Here is the updated table for missiles with the low-end lock times tested. Plus the torpedo tests.

    Missile Test Results
    216 : no homing
    232 : no homing
    264 : 59.883 sec
    376 : 59.734
    480 : 29.933
    690 : 29.9415
    771 : 19.9102
    904 : 19.9066
    946 : 19.9125
    1046 : 11.8852
    1160 : 11.8944
    1248 : 8.4803
    1384 : 8.4738
    1424 : 6.6034
    1502 : 6.6
    1676 : 6.6062
    1928 : 6.6090

    Estimated Missile Thresholds
    Units (in-game sec) = real-time seconds for complete circle
    < 240 = no homing
    240 (1 sec) = 60 sec
    480 (2 sec) = 30 sec
    720 (3 sec) = 20 sec
    960 (4 sec) = 11.8 sec
    1200 (5 sec) = 8.4 sec
    1400+ (5.8 sec) = 6.6 sec

    Torpedo Test Results
    232 : no homing
    248 : 123.582 sec
    344 : 124.067
    448 : 124.133
    568 : 60.383
    672 : 60.4
    704 : 60.416
    736 : 30.1165
    784 : 30.111
    792 : 29.8666
    872 : 30.1
    960 : 20.0234
    1032 : 20.011
    1168 : 20.021
    1260 : 13.279
    1384 : 13.28
    1472 : 9.9417
    1560 : 9.9381

    Estimated Torpedo Thresholds
    Units (in-game sec) = real-time seconds for complete circle
    < 240 = no homing
    240 = 124 sec for complete circle
    480 = 60 sec
    720 = 30 sec
    960 = 20 sec
    1200 = 13.2 sec
    1400+ = 9.9 sec

    The game engine uses an accumulator to track lock-on time, incrementing by 8 units every frame.

    Player lock-on time is still retained even if switching to cannons. It only gains or decays when the warhead is selected. Lock time is reset if the target is changed.

    By observing the value in the accumulator's memory location at the moment of firing, and attempting to fire warheads at various stages of lock, these are the observed rotation times (real-time duration required to finish a full 360 degree rotation).

  4. David Esparza Guerrero

    Fixed: IBL Skybox lighting recalculated when planet size is altered. Fixed: Issue #217: Warheads Fixed: Issue #218: AI using Warheads Fixed: Issue #188: "Q" to Exit Mission Quits the Game Fixed: Issue #173: TOD 1 - Recover stolen X-Wing --- X-Wing shot down by allies Fixed: Issue #145: Pause / Menu Fixed: Issue #187: "Esc" Key to Close Config Menu

    → <<cset f95e61485308>>

  5. David Esparza Guerrero
    • changed status to open

    For the player, target lock time decays only if the warhead launcher is selected and the target is not aimed at.

    If another weaponset is selected, it doesn't decay.

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