AI using Warheads

Issue #218 resolved
Justagai created an issue


Please see the video located on Justagai's onedrive in the AI\Bombing folder on how the AI uses torpedoes against a target.

AI will shoot two torpedoes (I'll need to test if they simply shoot 1 torpedo per launcher) per pass. They will break away from their run if they take on too much damage, or if they get too close to their target. Then they will fly out in a straight line about between 1.7km-2.20km (needs additional testing) and then turn around to begin another pass to launch another two torpedoes.


Will add additional info soon

Dual Warheads:

AI in X-wing will never use dual warheads.

Comments (11)

  1. David Esparza Guerrero
    • Instead of lock time decaying, it drops totally to 0 when the AI doesn't have a target at the right angle to build up locking time.

    • After firing a missile, lock time drops to 0.

    • While there are 2 or more missiles homing towards the target, lock time doesn't build up, and the AI cannot fire a missile.

    • Different ranks have different "patience" while acquiring locks. They will fire their missiles if they have a target and their lock times are equal or higher than:

      • Rookie: 531/240 seconds
      • Officer: 708/240 seconds
      • Veteran: 885/240 seconds
      • Ace: 1335/240 seconds
      • Top Ace: 1408/240 seconds
  2. David Esparza Guerrero

    Fixed: IBL Skybox lighting recalculated when planet size is altered. Fixed: Issue #217: Warheads Fixed: Issue #218: AI using Warheads Fixed: Issue #188: "Q" to Exit Mission Quits the Game Fixed: Issue #173: TOD 1 - Recover stolen X-Wing --- X-Wing shot down by allies Fixed: Issue #145: Pause / Menu Fixed: Issue #187: "Esc" Key to Close Config Menu

    → <<cset f95e61485308>>

  3. Justagai reporter

    I have gathered info on AI torpedo locking.

    AI will start the lock at 5km from the target (later games this became 6km). This applies to all AI ranks.


    Valid Lock time to fire a Torpedo (Lock time drops to 0 when setting up for an attack run, same with the other ranks):

    • = 531 (There is some weird formatting going on here, its greater than or equal to 531)

    Max lock on (Lock time cannot go beyond this number) : (Lock time does not build up if AI has fired two torpedoes already or there are 6 torpedoes currently on the target)

    * 1062


    • Lock time to fire: >= 708

    * Max Lock on: 1062


    • Lock time to fire: >= 1062

    * Max lock on: 1416


    • Lock time to fire: >= 1424

    * Max lock on: 1780

    Top Ace:

    • Lock time to fire: >= 1408

    * Max lock on: 1804

  4. Justagai reporter

    I've just realized Max lock time does not exist. Lock time does not build up if AI has fired two torpedoes already or there are 6 torpedoes currently on the target

  5. Justagai reporter

    AI ships with orders to disable will not utilize missiles or torpedoes on the target.

    EDIT: In addition AI in general (the exception are disable orders where they will not use warheads at all) will not use missiles on ship classes larger than a tug class (Freighter/Starship) and they will not use torpedoes anything smaller than a freighter class (Fighter, Transport, Tug).

  6. Justagai reporter

    Notes gathered from RandomStarfighter:

    "The 75% throttle mechanic is also only used if the AI would fire warheads on their target. Missiles vs fighters or torpedoes vs starships. If there are no warheads in the tube, or don't have warheads applicable for that target, they use 100% throttle."

    "For 75% throttle, range doesn't matter, even if they're vastly outside locking range. Just warheads."

    EDIT: One more additional note: "They don't lead at all if they're tracking with warheads, before or after firing."

  7. Justagai reporter

    More notes from RandomStarfighter:

    They go to 100% throttle the moment they break off into their "fly away" phase, but immediately drop to 75% the moment they turn to start their new attack run. Even if they're not yet pointed at the target.

    The XWI throttle setting does not change this behavior.

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