Overlay Display Change in Cockpit-Less Mode

Issue #229 resolved
Tad Hashimoto created an issue

Currently the cockpit-less mode (not sure what else to call it at this point) data overlays are fixed to the POV of the pilot, which means they move with head tracking to always be visible. Unfortunately this leaves the cross hairs as the only static point of reference in this view, which makes flying with head tracking and no cockpit quite disorienting and difficult.

In the cockpit mode, the CMD and other displays are locked to the cockpit, which all form a great point of reference when you start looking around. If we could continue this trend in the cockpit-less view by locking the overlays to a spot in 3D space along with the crosshairs, flying with head tracking would be much less disorienting.

Comments (2)

  1. Xwvm Art

    Marking as resolved - the Virtual cockpit view is automatically used with TrackVR and has the requested behaviour.

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