Maximum of 6 torpedoes on a target in play

Issue #232 resolved
Justagai created an issue

AI will fire 2 torpedoes per pass, but will not fire a torpedo if there are 6 currently going towards the target. Once a torpedo is destroyed, any AI who has not exceeded their 2 torpedoes per pass limit may be able to fire (whoever fires first).

Video Links below

12 in FG attacking frigate:

Perspective of 1 in FG 4 (Neutral) observing (player):

Perspective of 6 in FG 1 attacking frigate from one angle:

Perspective of 6 in FG 5 attacking frigate from another angle:

Comments (2)

  1. Justagai reporter

    I would also advise putting in a check something like => 6 torpedo incase the player fires torpedoes themselves at the target.

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