Live Weapon limit

Issue #233 resolved
Justagai created an issue

EDIT: RandomStarfighter discovered the true limit of the original: The player has 16 active weapon slots, and all AI craft share 32 slots. Those slots contain any projectiles, lasers or warheads.

This means that there can be a total of 48 weapon live in the mission at once. 16 dedicated to the player, and 32 that are all shared by the AI.

For example in the bonus missions, there are a lot of ships in play firing. Bonus mission 1 is a good example. When the frigates jump in you have:

  • 1 CRS (12 lasers)
  • 2 Frigates (24 lasers between them)
  • 4 Bwings (12 lasers between them)
  • 4 Xwings (16 lasers between them)
  • 4 Awings (8 lasers between them)
  • potentially 4 Gunboats (depending on the how the player dealt with them) (8 lasers between them)
  • 6 T/A (3 more later with the third frigate but that comes later after FRG Rapier is destroyed) (12 lasers between them)
  • 6 T/B (12 lasers between them)

That's a LOT of lasers going on at once. And that can definitely affect the outcome of a mission. So I suggest either limiting the lasers, or having a debug option that adds or removes the laser limit.

Or at least have a way of showing us the number of craft and lasers that are currently in play in a mission. That way we can see how the balance is affecting the missions.

I honestly don't want to be shooting in the dark here until I stumble upon some mechanic (like the 6 torpedo per target limit) that rebalances gameplay entirely. It would be nice to have these debug numbers/options to help finding out why certain missions are unbalanced. Then we can quickly identify the mechanics in X-wing to make a change in XWVM.

Comments (12)

  1. Raffaello Grani

    I think the debug option is a good idea. Perhabs it could be kept for the difficulty settings later on.

  2. Justagai reporter

    I do want to add that this laser limit was in the original. If we deviate from this, a lot of missions are going to be imbalanced. I'm all for removing the limit for custom missions.

  3. Justagai reporter

    RandomStarfighter discovered the true limit of the original:

    The player has 16 active weapon slots, and all AI craft share 32 slots. Those slots contain any projectiles, lasers or warheads.

  4. Justagai reporter

    AI follows a "first in, first out" method for the limit. As for despawning, there isn't really a need for that as we can just have the ship check if it has permission to fire.

  5. Liam

    Added a weapon limit fixing issue #233, added a basic albeit finicky free-look camera for third person, the default button to activate the camera is numpad multiply. Also added rules to control how many projectiles can exist in the game at any one time.

    → <<cset 72265d66d639>>

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