Collision Damage

Issue #237 closed
Justagai created an issue

Collision damage depends on the length of the longest side of the ship's bounding box in the OPT.

Damage = longest side in raw units * 4

Example: To calculate Y-wing damage, Take longest side of bounding box (22 m, multiply by 41 if going by meters, then 4) then multiply by 4. Result is 3608 damage (which may not match the list below because of rounding).

Base collision damage of ships and objects:

  • X-W: 2128
  • Y-W: 3604
  • A-W: 1588
  • B-W: 2924
  • T/F: 1308
  • T/I: 1560
  • T/B: 1620
  • GUN: 2480
  • T/A: 1600
  • TRN: 3100
  • SHU: 5600
  • TUG: 1480
  • CON: 12396
  • FRT: 19840
  • CRS: 32767 (value due to max signed short)
  • FRG: 32767 (value due to max signed short)
  • CRV: 24044
  • ISD: 32767
  • Mine: 2540
  • Sat: 1192
  • Nav: 796
  • Probe: 796
  • Asteroid 2?: 24000

Armor does have a factor in reducing collision damage but not dealing it (Armor is calculated first, then shields like usual).

Shields will also be used to reduce damage until depleted.

Shields seem to quickly add the amount of collisions (needs more testing).

We still need to find out the timing between multiple collisions, with and without shields.

Comments (4)

  1. Justagai reporter

    Thanks to RandomStarfighter, we now know that collision damage is applied once per frame. Object can also collide multiple frames however. It may relate to the surfaces in the mesh that one can fly through.

    I've also found out why the devs decided to do hull damage as 0 to 32767 (short signed int, although not sure how it would go negative but I suppose its possible).

    Craft that receive 10,999 or less damage from the first collision will be spun around and explode at a later time. Craft that receive 11,000 damage or more from the first collision will explode instantly. This includes craft that have shields to soften the damage (though it reduces the damage, the initial collision damage satisfies the above rule).

    The possible exception to this rule is if the class of the ship is either a freighter/starship explosion type of the first meshtype is type 4 or higher, but this is an assumption. Then they would always go through their death throes (spin around till death).

    EDIT: We still need to figure out Multihits (multiple collisions per frame) in collisions in general and how they might be related to shields.

    EDIT2: The other thing that I want to add, is that collisions in the original X-wing affected the rear shields for the player only.

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