AI Breaking off too quickly

Issue #238 resolved
Justagai created an issue

In XWVM, AI craft are breaking off too quickly from laser fire.

So I've found out that the number of hits it takes to break off is set in the ship data.

# Lasers to be hit with to break off

  • X-wing: 4
  • Y-wing: 4
  • A-wing: 4
  • B-wing: 4
  • TIE Fighter: 2
  • TIE Interceptor: 2
  • TIE Bomber: 3
  • TIE Advanced: 4
  • Assault Gunboat: 5
  • Shuttle: 4
  • Transport: 4
  • Tug: 4
  • Container: 4
  • Freighter: 4
  • Corvette: 4
  • Nebulon B Frigate: 4
  • CRS: 4
  • ISD: 4

The default is 4. As for the larger ships, they don't use them because they usually use Starship orders. The value is only used if fighter orders are issued.

EDIT: I need to find out if a missile hit counts as a single (or more) laser or not.

Comments (2)

  1. Justagai reporter

    Confirmed Missiles do not count as laser hits at all.

    EDIT: Weak lasers/Ions/weak ions also count towards this limit

  2. David Esparza Guerrero

    Added: Debugging console (default binding CTRL+F1) Disabled: Flyby sounds until freeze and memory leaks are resolved. (Issue: #243: Out of Memory Crash) Disabled: Lines in map until freeze and memory leaks are resolved. (Issue: #243: Out of Memory Crash) Fixed: Issue #239: AI Turn Rate Fixed: Issue #238: AI Breaking off too quickly

    → <<cset af30060d7fa3>>

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