T5M1 Initial XW Gold 1 crashes into FRT Niven

Issue #242 resolved
J. King created an issue

Build: 2017-11-13

While heading to its hyperspace point, Gold 1 invariably crashes into FRT Niven, which does not happen in X-Wing. Justagai suggests this should not happen regardless because craft with Fly Home orders pass through larger craft rather than colliding, but the screenshots would suggest that something else (such as the formation) is not quite right. In the X-Wing screenshot the whole flight group seems to pass beside Niven, whereas in XWVM they seem to pass above/through.



Comments (3)

  1. David Esparza Guerrero

    Added: Headbobbing Fixed: Issue #242: T5M1 Initial XW Gold 1 crashes into FRT Niven Fixed: Issue #186: HUD Crosshair Jittering During Head Tracking Fixed: Undocking ships got stuck undocking

    → <<cset 909ed3e587b9>>

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